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Pigment Pasta Fuxia 2ML
Pigment Pasta Fuxia
PASTA PAINT Pigment - 100% pure pigment
Unlimited possibilities for nail art ! 100% pure pigment that replaces acrylic paint completely, and mixed with gel / pasta / 3D gel.
Say goodbye to drying acrylic paints - say hello to the future of nail art - PIGMENTS ! Create art works without hurry, drying, mixing with water, etc ... Just use your gels and pigments !
Pigment is NON UV / LED creamy texture that adds any color gel or pasta, gel, gel polish, etc ... easy to get the texture "acrylic" or "oil" color, which will not dry until they are dried under UV / LED lights.
Why to be mixed with pasta / color gels / plastiline ? In order to get the perfect texture that can dry and react under UV / LED lights. The pigment itself or alone will not dry.
Pack of 2 ml of pure pigments is enough for many many paintings.
!!! IMPORTANT : pigment is mixed into a gel / pasta / permanent nail in the ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 (pigment color gel or pasta), if it is too mixed - it will not dry !
*** Packaging is 2 ML, NO OF 5 ML ! ***